The Second Resurrectioning

I think I might convert this blog into a regular type blog thing. Hopefully with more regular updates.
I mean, it hasn’t been updated since August last year, and to tell the truth I don’t think I’ve actually had too many two minute noodles since then. Not out of like a conscious decision or anything, it just kind of happened. I guess the noodles were the conscious decision I was making, and it kind of fell to the wayside.

I know this will be devastating to you, regular viewer, but… who am I kidding? No one is reading this, which is kind of cool. Semi-anonymous blog posts that anyone can see, but no one does. Kind of cool, in my mind at least.

Don’t fear though, loyal denizen of the internet. The noodleverse will be back, in some format at least.

And, since some traditions on this blog can’t really be ignored:

Concluding Notes:
– This blog post written whilst listening to I Fight Dragons’ Kaboom album, which is really kind of phenomenal.
– It’s been like, ages since I burnt myself on a metal fork, and I’d completely forgotten about all that junk. It’s making me hesitant about re-opening this blog, but you know what? I’ll risk it.

– Um, welcome back, me? I guess.

– It is amazing the things I’ll do to avoid studying.

So, overall, I’d rate this blog post as a 6.3. Still plenty of room for improvement, and let’s see if I can back it all up with more noodles/rambling/interwebz stuff.

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